When you talk with your child…

by | Jan 13, 2014 | 3 yr old, 4 yr old, 5 yr old, 6 yr old | 0 comments

Talk with your child

When you talk with your child are you really just talking to them?

Are you engaging them in conversation? Giving them time to answer questions, to respond to what you are saying? Are you giving them enough time to interject with their own comments?

Are you listening to their answers? Or are you planning what you want to say next?

I read a story recently where a parent was stopped in their tracks when their child said they never spoke, because they were never listened to. It truly saddened my heart. It made me stop, mentally, and think about my interactions with my boys.

This large question about how you talk with your child isn’t to point fingers at you or me. It is just something that made me stop and re-evaluate my interactions with my children and I thought if it had that much impact on me maybe others could use a little gentle nudge, too.

Do I kneel down and look at my boys when they speak with me or me with them?

Do I have an open heart and open ears to hear what they are sharing with me?

Do I truly take the time to listen to them – watching their body language, where their gaze is leading me?

Am I seeing life from their perspective or just dismissing their opinions (or fears or questions) because they are little boys?

With the new year just beginning, I’m going to try to pay attention when I am talking with my children. This is just one of my goals. My boys are talkers. And I want to talk with them as they grow.

What is it like when you talk with your child?

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