Thankful garland

Thankful garland

Just a quick idea to share with you as you contemplate Thanksgiving. A few years ago we made what we call Thankful Garland. Every day in the month...

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Oh those eyes…

Oh those eyes…

Last year we actually decorated for Halloween. It's my least favorite 'holiday' of the year, but my kids absolutely love pretending to be something...

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Rainy Day Puddle Play

Rainy Day Puddle Play

As the weather gets cooler and its just too cold to play in the puddles outdoors (like we talked about last week!), we stay indoors to play a puddle...

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While Mom is away

While Mom is away

In early September I posted this picture on Facebook. I'm sure some of you were wondering how to respond, and indeed I didn't expect anyone to!...

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What’s metallic and edgy?

What’s metallic and edgy?

Sweet Pea brought home a sculpture last year and I just realized I didn't share it with you all! (I was looking over past posts, trying to find...

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Simple Spider Cookies

Simple Spider Cookies

Sweet Pea's kindergarten teacher had some great ideas for Halloween last year. I admittedly am not that into Halloween, so to search out ideas for...

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Back to School Empty

Back to School Empty

After an especially emotional morning, I find myself sitting here trying to get back into sharing with you fun new ideas after having taken our...

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Free Online Summer Reading Clubs

In past years Cutie Pie has taken part in the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading club. I didn't realize until this year that there are several other...

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