Five ways to practice letters

Five ways to practice letters

We are enjoying a lot of snow this week and it's reminding me of all the days when I had my boys home with me. There were so many days where it was...

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Chalkboard Fun

A few weeks ago during our bitterly cold spell I pulled out an activity we haven't done in a while...using masking tape, a chalkboard and some...

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Indoor Letter Hopscotch

The nice thing about having a large set of foam letters as well as a small set, is that you can play indoor letter hopscotch by making dice with the...

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Letter R is for Roll

Five year old Sweet Pea and I are still reviewing the alphabet in various ways throughout the week. Letter R was especially fun and lends itself to...

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F is for Foil

Since we're nearing the end of the school year I've been recapping some letters with Sweet Pea as we learn new ones.Last week we reviewed the letter...

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Chalkboard Letter Learning

Have you ever watched your kiddos drawing on the chalkboard and all they do is scribble all over it and erase it over and over? Sweet Pea loves to...

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P is for Picnic

Letter P on the climbing wall atThe Strong National Museum of PlayWith the white stuff still lingering outside I thought it would be fun for...

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P is for painting

Letter P week has been so much fun and so colorful! We've been painting!We splatter painted, painted with big brush strokes, painted lots of polka...

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L is for Legs

I know we started on the letter L over a week ago, but Sweet Pea seems to keep going back to it, so we keep working on it because he finds it...

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L is for Listening – a game

Echo drumming listening gameThe other day I made a special afternoon treat of chocolate chip cookies. When the timer went off the boys both came...

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