An easier way to achieve the goal

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Mom | 0 comments

How many out there have made resolutions or goals for 2016 or have chosen a word for the year?

An easier way to achieve the goal using simple steps and mini-goals at

I used to make resolutions, but wasn’t good at keeping them. I think maybe because the outcome didn’t matter as much as I wanted it to. Nothing would happen if I didn’t achieve my resolutions, except for me being disappointed, so they didn’t ‘stick’.

This year I’m trying something new.

Literally in more than one way. I’m on a venture to bring in an income while staying at home. I’m also using a different method than just making a resolution to hone in on achieving this goal.

I’m working on writing down my bigger goals, but taking it farther than that. I’m writing down a goal, and then breaking that down into smaller, achievable mini-goals. And for the mini-goals? I’m writing the steps to take to actually achieve them (and using target dates to keep me motivated and moving along!)

Abstractly this is a little hard. I mean, I haven’t actually gotten all of my thoughts together for my big picture. However, in reality actually writing things down and thinking about them in big terms is helping me figure out what the mini-goals should be, which in turn is making it easier for me to see the steps I need to take. Clear as a bell, right?


How does this goal setting relate to you as a mom?

Simple, everyone has things they want to accomplish. It could be something as big as bringing in $100,000 this year, or as small as keeping the house in order for one day. (I’m with you, that’s no easy task with little ones underfoot, right?!)

The process to begin accomplishing each goal is very similar – outlining the steps to achieve it by setting and achieving mini-goals, and then outlining the steps needed to achieve the mini-goals.

As a mom with little ones at home I yearned for a tidy home, but it just never happened unless I took steps to make it happen. The tidy home was my big goal. I broke that down into achievable mini-goals like doing the laundry (washed, folded and away), or sweeping/mopping/vacuuming and consciously worked toward them taking small steps to accomplish them. I never managed to have a tidy home for long, but it was much easier to achieve while taking steps to achieve my mini-goals than just haphazardly working toward my big goal. The mini-goals helped me stay focused.

I’m not saying you have to maintain a tidy home, or that you have to try this goals/mini-goals method. I’m just suggesting if you have a hard time achieving a goal maybe this is a technique to try. Maybe start out simple and just pondering what your end goal is and then go from there?

Whatever you do, stick to it! If you don’t stick to it to begin with, it won’t be achieved anyway! Look at what you’re trying to achieve from different angles, in different ways.

If you are working towards a goal for 2016 and have your own way of keeping yourself on task, PLEASE share! I’ll be sharing again later this week how I used this little method to plan out 2016 for my family and would love to share links to what you’ve published about working towards your goals!

Download this little reminder to Stick to It for your iPad!

Stick to It encourager for the iPad at



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