Summer Reading

by | Jun 18, 2015 | 5 yr old, 6 yr old, 7 year old, 8 year old, activities | 0 comments

Summer break begins for us this coming Tuesday. I know many of you are already well into your summer breaks and I hope you are having fun! If you’re doing anything super fun, let us know in the comments!

In anticipation of the boys being home for ten weeks while my husband and I trade off working and keeping the boys occupied (which is totally new territory for us) I have been trying to get organized so the summer weeks don’t waste away before our eyes!

Summer Reading Fun

One component of our summer includes reading. Hubby and I are usually the ones reading to our boys regularly, although they love to read. Every once in a while they read out loud at their reading level and to each other, which is cool!

To spur some more independent reading I’ve put together a little Summer Reading Chart. It’s ten weeks long, and has space for the boys to write either the total number of minutes they’ve read each day, a mark for the number of chapters read, or just put a mark to show they’ve read on their own.

It also has a column at the end of the week called “Fun treat or activity”. Hubby and I will have a list of activities or treats we can enjoy as a family if certain criteria are met throughout the week. We’ll also let the boys come up with a few of their own, because they have great ideas, too! Some examples are a trip to the ice cream shop, a small toy, a trip to their favorite outdoor eating place, or a family squirt gun fight (although those can erupt at any time around here!)


Summer Reading Chart

You’ve gotta bet we’re not the only family just starting summer break, so I’m sharing this Summer Reading Chart for you, too! Just click and print! (And you can always print it and use it wherever you are on your break!) This is a chart you can make yourself and turn into an incentive for anything – a specific chore your kids don’t like to do, for math work, etc.

Tomorrow I’ll share where we are heading for summer reading ideas and incentives!

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