It caught my eye that Monday, January 18th is Winnie the Pooh day (and the birthday of A. A. Milne, the author of the Pooh books), a character much-loved by my oldest since he was one!
I distinctly remember giving him this cute little Pooh bear at his one-year photoshoot and he practically never set it down until he began school! Even then Pooh travelled to and from school in his backpack for much more than a year! (He’s looking much-worn and loved as an 8-year old bear in that pic above!)
Oh, bother! Winnie the Pooh
Have you read any of the Winnie the Pooh stories? My kids adore them, and Hubby and I truly enjoy reading them out loud! There is one particular audio book reader we listened to on car rides who will forever be the narrator’s voice when we think of the Pooh stories!
Silly old bear. You’re the best bear in all the world! Christopher Robin
The imagination of A. A. Milne and his Winnie the Pooh stories have spurred the creation of many adventures with Pooh and his friends in our own home! We’ve had woozles, huffalumps, shelves of imaginary honey-pots, Eyeore, Rabbit along with many of the original Pooh stories acted out in our home, with a few occasions of “jumping up and down in an exercising sort of way!”
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh is always thinking about honey, or as he writes Hunny. And I’ve been thinking about hunny suckers,* since honey soothes a cough and sore throat and its going around our home.
I’ve never made honey suckers before today, but found a great, easy recipe for them on Bakeaholic Mama. Before you head over to her site to follow the recipe, make sure you have honey on hand and if you want to make these for your kiddos, some lollipop sticks. They are yummy even when you’re not sick!
So on Winnie the Pooh day on January 18th, spend time with your kids and a “silly, willy, nilly old bear” by reading a good Winnie the Pooh book like The House at Pooh Corner, When we Were Very Young, Now We Are Six, or any of A. A. Milne’s other Pooh stories! And if you’re looking for a fun treat, whether sick or not, enjoy some Hunny suckers!
*Please use caution when making these treats as there is high heat involved. Also, please note it is recommended to not give honey to very young children. I am not recommending or implying you do so or that I did. (My kids are older and were in school at the time of making this treat for myself today!) Also, I do know that unheated, natural honey has the most beneficial therapeutic effect for coughs, etc., but imagine a soothing treat like this would still feel good on a sore throat.