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Ten Things I Love About You, by Daniel Kirk, is a new book in our library. So new that we were the first ones to check it out! The boys love it!
It’s a sweet book about two friends who really like each other. One has a hard time not interrupting the other while trying to make a list of reasons they like the other so much. It sounds aggravating, but the end is so sweet.
I had in mind to work with the boys making a list of Ten Things I Love About Daddy one day when he seemed particularly frustrated, but just wasn’t able to get time by myself with them to complete the task. I was feeling badly about it trying to figure out how I could weasel some time with them each alone, when 7 year old Cutie Pie came up to me and gave me his list of Ten Things I Love About Mommy. To say my heart melted is an understatement!
I just love the idea of this activity. This would be a great activity for the youngest kiddos (with a little assistance) all the way up to the adult reading it to them! Your list could be as few or as many reasons and for anyone, and would be so very appreciated!
Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about Hubby. We’ve got something else in the works for him!
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What a neat idea! My sons both live in another state now. . . I bet this would be a fun letter to get via "snail mail" for them. . . I may need to try it. 😉
It would be cute to get them the book and make your own list for them, too! Any reminders of why we love them are good, right?!
The Liebster Award!
I'm passing it a long to you.
Aw, thanks! I have to sneak around your blog, still, too!
This sounds like a cute book 🙂
Hi! I can totally relate to the 'mom is the only girl' thing. I have four boys myself. Don't you love it?
I love being a mom to boys! I never could picture myself being mom to girls, of course I would love that, too, but I have a tomboy side and this definitely feeds it!
What a cute book and what a fun idea you had!
I would totally get this book but my boys are teenagers. Maybe I should get it for them any way. Life lessons don't care how old you are, right?
I would love to know their relations if you do! I'm sure it would scream love to them even if they are like 'Ma-om'!