Homemade Ornaments

Every year we try a craft for Christmas. Last year we made stars and some other ornaments that we gave as gifts. The stars are so simple to make and...

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OKSocial resource

I'm slowly changing the focus of what I'm sharing in this little corner of the blogosphere. I thought along the way I should share some of the...

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Happy Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. Not just because family gathers together, or that there's pumpkin pie and lots of other good food.I love Thanksgiving also...

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Did you say changes?

Did you say changes?

Nothing to do with this post, but aren't my trick-or-treaters cute?! Yes! I did say changes! I've been working hard (and long) on making those...

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Exciting Changes Underway

Just a quick post to let you all know I'm working on those changes I mentioned a few weeks ago! Right now to transfer to Wordpress is taking place....

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Lisa has Breast Cancer

Lisa has Breast Cancer

A friend of mine is fighting breast cancer. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy. I want to introduce you to her via my blog so you can put a...

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The Buffalo Zoo Day Trip

The Buffalo Zoo Day Trip

The Buffalo Zoo is only about an hour away, but it's taken us until this summer to take a day trip there with the boys. It was such a great day! The...

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They’re so little

They’re so little

Sweet Pea has been doing really well going to school, actually excitedly, on the school bus. A few times, though I've taken them, instead. He...

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