LEGO Book-Character Building

by | Apr 7, 2014 | 5 yr old, 6 yr old, 7 year old, activities | 0 comments

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I remember a few years ago there was a blog hop of sorts that included doing a craft after reading a book with your child. Maybe it’s still going on?
The craft would be somehow related to a character in the book, or go along with the theme of it. I think I tried this a few times with my boys, but they were never really excited about it, which is probably why I cannot remember what the linky is called. Help me if you know it, I can’t for the life of me figure out what to search for to find it!
LEGO Story Character Building at
The Little Engine That Could
Fast forward to a week ago. Five year old Sweet Pea and I read the book The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper. Then he wanted to watch the movie, too. Did you know there was a movie? We found it on Netflix. So cute!

After reading The Little Engine That Could and watching the movie, I simply suggested my LEGO lover try to build a train that resembled The Little Engine. Sweet Pea loved the challenge! (After hearing him repeatedly tell me throughout the week that he does not like crafts, there was no way I would suggest one!)

Reading books and following it up with crafts is great, (really, because I would love to do a book-based craft with him) but for someone who doesn’t like crafts, building story characters with LEGOs is a great alternative!

(It is also a great activity for working on fine motor skills, story building, and great for older ages, too!)

I would really love to see what your little ones create with LEGOs after reading a book! Please share if you do this at home!

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